Saturday, April 24, 2010

One More Thing - A Kitten

Say hello to Queen Mab (aka Tinycat), the newest addition to my family.

My 'to read' pile is just ridiculous.

From bottom to top (no particular order....)
  1. Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters - Ben Winters
  2. A Secret Alchemy - Emma Darwin
  3. Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
  4. The Vampire Lestat - Anne Rice
  5. The Dracula Dossier - James Reese
  6. Tom Bedlam - George Hager
  7. Crossed Bones - Jane Johnson
  8. Lonely Werewolf Girl - Martin Millar
  9. The Berlin Novels - Christopher Isherwood
  10. The Book Theif - Martin Zusak
  11. Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
  12. Affinity - Sarah Waters
  13. The Queen's English
  14. Wordwatching - Julian Burnsides
  15. Bedlam - Catharine Arnold
  16. Liberty - Lucy Moore
I should really call this my 'to read and to finish' pile - I've started most of these, then decided I didn't like them, or got distracted, or something like that. A lot of them are ones I've picked up for 5 dollars and never looked at again - but some of them are really quite lovely, and I can't wait to look at them properly.

I really should stop buying books, though.