I was meant to go to a party for New Years Eve, but I couldn't face it. Sometimes I wonder whether its wrong to not enjoy parties where loud music with heavy beats and drinking with boys who wish they had x-ray vision is the mode. Then again, I do enjoy some parties. I think its really all down to the people I'm with. I'm sure I could enjoy a party with Oscar Wilde and Marilyn Monroe and F.Scott Fitzgerald and Marie Antoinette and all my closest friends and people who could
understand. I wrote something about that, once. You can see it on my tumblr
Instead, I went to Lozzie's house, and we ran around with sparklers in the dark. In hindsight, I think that should have been my plan all along. It was so much fun that I forgot to take pictures, so here is a photograph found via weheartit, source linked.

oh, i couldn't agree with you more, i am like that too. lovely blog by the way, i shall definatley be following <3