It's raining outside my new bedroom window, and I can smell it from my desk. It's so lovely that my law reading will just have to wait.
I started university this week - well, I started lectures this week. Last week was O-week, which was essentially devoted to information sessions and 'getting to know you' activities. I was glad when that was over, and we could delve into the real stuff. Orientation gets a bit boring after a while.
I have photographs I want to post on here sometime soon, along with a more in depth entry, but for now I'll just leave you with a few things that are making me happy right now. They are:






The new season of Skins


New Friends and Old.
Have a nice week, everyone.
(Image sources: 1. studdedhearts.tumblr.com, 2. Blooming Tea Party by Mademoiselle Minako on flickr, 3. Sunday Breakfast by Lomopony on flickr, 4. weheartit.com, 5. http://pouretrebelle.thecdexperiment.com/, 6. Still from 'Factory Girl', via tchaikovskydarling.wordpress.com/, 7. weheartit.com, 8. weheartit.com, 9. http://florizel.canalblog.com)
Have a nice week, everyone.
(Image sources: 1. studdedhearts.tumblr.com, 2. Blooming Tea Party by Mademoiselle Minako on flickr, 3. Sunday Breakfast by Lomopony on flickr, 4. weheartit.com, 5. http://pouretrebelle.thecdexperiment.com/, 6. Still from 'Factory Girl', via tchaikovskydarling.wordpress.com/, 7. weheartit.com, 8. weheartit.com, 9. http://florizel.canalblog.com)