Friday, February 26, 2010

It's raining outside my new bedroom window, and I can smell it from my desk. It's so lovely that my law reading will just have to wait.

I started university this week - well, I started lectures this week. Last week was O-week, which was essentially devoted to information sessions and 'getting to know you' activities. I was glad when that was over, and we could delve into the real stuff. Orientation gets a bit boring after a while.

I have photographs I want to post on here sometime soon, along with a more in depth entry, but for now I'll just leave you with a few things that are making me happy right now. They are:







The new season of Skins


New Friends and Old.

Have a nice week, everyone.

(Image sources: 1., 2. Blooming Tea Party by Mademoiselle Minako on flickr, 3. Sunday Breakfast by Lomopony on flickr, 4., 5., 6. Still from 'Factory Girl', via, 7., 8., 9.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The main drain on my non-existent income:

a few photographs of my bookcase.

And a quick snap of some of the pictures on my wall:

Oh, for old-time pornography...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just a quick note...

Holly Black has released a new collection of works, and I just thought I'd give you a quick heads up - it looks really good. You should head over to BSC and read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, her vampire story. Seriously, the concept behind this work is amazing. This is proper vampire fiction. This is what vampires should be.

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black.

Check it.